A Powerful community for women And Gender Diverse Entrepreneurs.
Weak Ties/Strong Bonds is a tight-knit community of women and gender diverse entrepreneurs who are conceiving a new, non-competitive way to approach business. We support our members in creating financial freedom, building businesses they love, and connecting them with impactful resources to help them to grow and thrive.
More community. Less competition.
More money. Less scarcity.
More freedom. Less dependence.
More confidence. Less insecurity.
Weak Ties. Strong Bonds.
In 1973, Stanford sociologist Mark Granovetter released his groundbreaking paper, “The Strength of Weak Ties,” in which his research showed that a person’s weak ties – their casual connections and loose acquaintances – were more helpful than their strong ones in securing employment.
Fifty years later, the theory holds up.
A 2022 study conducted over five years with 20 million people around the world (thanks LinkedIn!) confirmed that “the greatest job mobility comes from moderately weak ties.”
With Weak Ties/Strong Bonds, we embrace the weak ties theory that’s supported by scientific study - and that we’ve seen play out numerous times in our own businesses - to create a community that both drives revenue and provides support for women and gender diverse entrepreneurs. In doing so, we foster strong bonds that drive economic opportunity and reimagine what it means to do business.
With this community, our goal is to connect the amazing women and gender diverse entrepreneurs in our networks -- those with weak ties to one another -- to create strong bonds, a supportive community, and economic power.
Our intimate dinners in NYC bring together curated groups of women and gender diverse entrepreneurs to make genuine connections, get support on business challenges and roadblocks, and expand their networks in a meaningful and impactful way.
Work With Days
Our communal co-working days offer a fun, flexible (and free!) way to connect with other entrepreneurs who understand that launching, growing, and sustaining a business can be challenging and sometimes lonely. Bring your to do list and get sh*t done in good company!
Our membership offers exclusive events, valuable discounts, curated spaces, strategic business support, and - of course - deep connection with our dynamic, successful, supportive community of women and gender diverse entrepreneurs excited to share their network to advance your business.

Entrepreneur. Freelancer. Founder. If you’re like us, you have a lot of associations with these terms - some positive, some negative, some centered strongly on a 20-something white guy with $50 million of someone else’s money two years away from a high-profile fraud trial. Whether you wore the entrepreneur title proudly from the first day you incorporated that LLC or still struggle with how to list your experience working for yourself on LinkedIn, we have a community for you.
One of the central tenets of the Weak Ties theory is that weak ties are beneficial precisely because they do have experiences, ideas and connections different from you and the people you’re closest with.
To that end, whether you’re side hustling while working a full-time job, or running a company with thousands of employees, the Weak Ties/Strong Bonds community has a lot to offer if you:
✔ Are a woman and/or gender diverse person
✔ Earn at least some of your income from your own, independent goods or services
✔ Infuse your business with genuine care and excellence
✔ Are a generous soul who believes that we create abundance by empowering others as well as ourselves
come to dinner
It all started with a simple idea. We wanted to create a networking event that felt unlike any we’d been to before. We wanted to test out the Weak Ties theory in a thoughtfully curated setting. And we wanted it to feel intimate, inspiring, and (perhaps most of all) not awkward.
So we threw a dinner party - the type of dinner party we’d want to attend. (Think great food, flowing wine, a gorgeous setting.) And it took off. Now our signature event, WT/SB dinners offer curated conversation, a delicious spread, and powerful connections to support your business growth. Pull up a chair. We can’t wait to meet you.
become a member
When we hosted our first Weak Ties/Strong Bonds dinner, we didn’t know what to expect. Of course we hoped that people would enjoy it. Heck, maybe we’d even throw one dinner a quarter! But it quickly became clear that people were craving more.
More meals together.
More support and inspiration.
More community they could engage with frequently.
More networking that felt fulfilling instead of depleting.
More connections that had a huge impact on their businesses.
So we decided to take the community to the next level.
Our membership offers both online and IRL support to help you build your business, expand your network, and unlock unparalleled opportunities for collaboration and expansion. With three membership tiers to support you wherever you are in your business journey, the WT/SB membership is your gateway to meaningful connections, game-changing support, and the tools you need to thrive.
YOuR Hosts
With almost 20 years of entrepreneurial experience between them (and even more experience braving slews of awkward networking events) your hosts are experienced facilitators who understand the importance of turning weak ties into strong bonds and know how to seamlessly create authentic and wildly impactful connections.
our knit members
We’re proud to support these thriving, womxn-owned businesses at our highest level of membership.